Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Do the Teachers need to Research their Own Teaching ?

Reply to my lecturer, Professor Marsigit, post at his blog, about an article about "Do the Teachers need to Research their Own Teaching", I want to post my comment in my blog.

"Saya sependapat dengan gagasan dalam artikel ini, bahwa guru harus melakukan penelitian mengenai pembelajarannya. Melalui 8 tahapan tindakan yang telah dipaparkan seperti: mengindentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah, menyusun strategi memecahkan masalah, menerapkan dan menguji strategi, mengevaluasi keefektifan strategi, memastikan hasil penelitian, menyimpulkan hasil penelitian, mengulangi siklus, dan melaporkan temuan; diharapkan kegiatan belajar-mengajar akan menjadi lebih baik dan efektif. Guru dapat secara aktif meningkatkan kualitas praktek mengajar, berdasarkan penelitian, pengalaman, dan pengamatan, kemudian merefleksikan pengalaman itu kepada peserta didiknya.
Sebenarnya penelitian bukan hanya bermanfaat bagi guru tersebut dan peserta didiknya saja. Dengan tahap kedelapan mengenai melaporkan hasil penemuan, penelitian guru tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi guru lain untuk meningkatkan hasil kerjanya. Apabila guru di Indonesia dapat bersikap open-minded, senantiasa berubah kearah yang lebih baik & diikuti peningkatan kualitas peserta didik, maka Indonesia akan menjadi lebih baik.
Artikel ini semakin mengingatkan saya kelak jika saya menjadi seorang guru, kewajiban saya untuk memajukan pendidikan di Indonesia, dimulai dari diri saya sendiri."

Reflection 1 About English Lesson

In the lesson, we need to make sure about the lecturer position and student position. The student in the college, so the lecturer perceive that the students are an adult. The communication between them is a trust. The student believe in the lecturer, and vice versa. The student believe that the lecturer can facilitate the student, and the student will do their homework. This is trust. Everything will continue based on trust.
Another thing that important, besides trust, is a will. If we have a will, we have an attitude. From good attitude, we can learn about the knowledge. The knowledge teach us a skill and from skill, we will get an experience. That experience is the most valuable thing in our life. That sentences can be explained with the scheme:

Will --> Attitude --> Knowledge --> Skill --> Experience
We must have a positive thinking, so we can learn everything ourselves. The lecturer position is not giving us the knowledge easily. We as the student must find it by self. Not much enough time to learn everything in the class. The future is ours, so to study english is our choice. We are the actor in our study life, to build the experience. With doing a test, we will know about our ability.
In a perception, language is a life. There are characteristic of language in our life, such as reading, speaking, writing, etc. We can’t memorize all of it, but we can use it to our daily activity, example: when we make a chat with our classmate.
The next point that also must be underlined, there are list of