Senin, 25 Maret 2013


1. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: The Role of Cognitive Development

I agree with this article that any explanation of the child's development must take into consideration two dimensions: an ontogenetic dimension and a social dimension (in the sense of the transmission of the successive work of generations. The teacher is not only teacher at school, but also teacher at home (parents), as the educator should pay attention to the cognitive development of the students (or their child). In social dimension, the student has interactions with the environment and people around them. So they will copy what they hear and see. So, teacher and part of family  also should give good example to the students, so they will copy good things from the teacher.

2. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Artikel Populer Pendidikan Karakter

Nowadays, character education (character building) is important. School should build good characteristic to the student. The student not only have good brain and knowledge, but also good manner. One of the subject that can build characteristic is mathematics. By teaching mathematics, teacher can educate not only material, but also build good characteristics, such as carefulness, honesty, accountability, and others.
But, before mathematics learning, teachers should prepare the method and material which they will discuss with their students. The aspects that should notice, which have explained in this artile, are:
- Mathematics activity is an activity to search the pattern and problem solving
- Mathematics need creativity, imajination, intuition, and innovation
- Mathematics activity is communication and communication
- Algorithm is a procedure to solve mathematics problems
By notice that aspects, be expected that mathematics can build student characteristics.

3. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Why Do You Think Peoples Basic Math?

I think this discussion is complicated, and everybody give their ideas and difficult to take conclusion. I think mathematics is a basic subject and everybody can learn mathemtics by they doing daily activity. Learning like walking. The students can trying and practicing, so they will familiar with mathematics.
Now, the problem is the teachers, how they will create mathematics education become fun and easy for their student. The teachers can teach the students by facilitate them with everything around them, for example environment and technology devices. It will help student to learn mathematics effectively.

4. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Resources For Developing Math
Thank you for share the list of resources for developing mathematics. Later, as a teacher, I should search many resources for me for develop myself to teach my students. Amen.
Nowadays, in globalization era, teachers must develop theirself with the latest and newest informations and technologies. As teachers, we should like an empty glass, empty glass can intercept and retain water (water is knowledge). So, they can facilitate their students with good teachers ability. If the teachers are good, we can expect the sudents are good too.

5. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: More Link To Math Teaching
I have see your previous article. Thank you so much to provide us with this valuable information. You have list what resources that every teachers should search. I hope this will useful for everybody, especially for young teachers and candidate of teachers, like me. Amen.

6. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Problem Utama Inovasi Pembelajaran

I have read this short but valuable article from Mr. Marsigit. Thank you for share your experience from teach PLPG. The problem about "How to Apply Learning Paradigm Shift from teacher-centered to Student-Centered Learning" maybe is a problem that encountered by almost teacher. It's a serious problem because it will infect the students and give bad result. So, by doing PLPG, teachers can develop themself with various methods that can they use for the learning activity to their student. I hope PLPG will continue and develop too bacome better, and facilitate teachers to develop and solve problems how to teach and how to be a good teacher.

7. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan

I agree with this article that Lesson Study is give benefit for many people. Everybody can learn mathematis becouse of Lesson Study. Everybody means every people, no matter where they come from. what they have or they not have, like people with special needs or disabilities. The teacher who teach people with disabilities, should learn Lesson Study. So, they can develop themself, take the benefits and appicate it to their disabilities student. Every people have equal rights for learning ang have good facilities in their education activity.

8. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Pembelajaran Matematika Seperti Apa yang Kita Harapkan
Thank you for share your idea about the steps teach realistic mathematics. Teachers will teach their students by doing the listed steps: preparing, introducing, learning process, and closing. That step is good method to teach mathematics.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Reflection about "Reflection On The Teaching Of “The Multiplicatiom Algoritm Of The 3rd Grade Of Primary School” Through VTR"


The supporting devices for learning, such as VTR (Video Tape Recorder), are very helpfull for teacher and student in learning activities. The teacher should facilitate the student properly, so the student can absorb the material easily and they can develop their skill and ability. But, when teachers using device like VTR, they should think about the problem which can appear. So, best for the teachers to prepare before they teach the student, so the learning activity will run well.

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Reflection about "Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional"

This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional 

Based on Monitoring Supervision and Evaluation to RSBI school 2011 in this article, IKKT is very important for RSBI school can be SBI school. There are many aspects that must be considered. IKKT is the factor X that can't defined, because it's depend on the each school.
I agree with the result of monitoring that listed on the article. I think the most important is how the subject and object of education can participate to build good relationship and good situation to study, so SBI school not only just a classy name, but also great quality. The teacher can teach professionally, the student can develop they skill and ability, and the others can support them for better quality.

Reflection about "Some Problems in the Effort of Promoting Innovations of Teaching Learning of Mathematics and Sciences in Indonesia"

This rflection based on Mr. Marsigit article : Some Problems in the Effort of Promoting Innovations of Teaching Learning of Mathematics and Sciences in Indonesia

I agree with Mr. Marsigit ideas that teachers should promote innovative teaching learning of Mathematics and Sciences to their students. With the following steps:
From the start, the teachers build good condition for learning and make the students active in the lesson and creativity. The teacher develops students by ask them doing worksheet and problem solving, then group discussions.
I also agree with the schema of introduction, content and closing remark. It's important to plan the material for the lesson.

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Reflection 3 : English Lesson

There are many kind of mathematics. The amount of mathematics same as the amount of people minds. Every people think mathematics. It is better for us to learn mathematics from the bottom, not from the top. People who learn from the bottom means they try hard to climb the difficulties of mathematics.
Basically there are two categories of mathematics, the first is formal mathematics (pure). It include in mathematics of God. The second is student mathematics. We should adapt with condition people around us. The smart people is people who can adapt with every situation. We can’t use single method to teach mathematics. Mathematics should adapt with what the student need. We can’t teach elementary student with formal mathematics.
The teacher must have well manner to teach mathematics. Teacher can’t use their power to intimidate the student. Teachers can’t press their student to learn lesson that not eligible to the student ability. For  young student, mathematics is fun activity. The activities such as to looking for the pattern, solve problem, investigate, and main solved communication. Mathematics is communication to write, speak, translate, understand, etc.
The best way to learn, not only mathematics but also other lessons, is translate and translate, to reflect and reflect. We must construct  our life. We should keep in touch with everybody and everything around us. Keep silaturahim. Step by step people can develop their life, their experience. Your life is yours.

Reflection about "Peran Penelitian dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Matematika"

This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article : Peran Penelitian dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Matematika

I agree with Mr. Marsigit statement that knowledge can increase teacher's professionalism. Teacher should be inovative, so the student also can upgrade their ability. This article similliar with other Mr. Marsigit's article, with title "Do the Teachers need to Research their Own Teaching ?" which post on Feb 12, 2013 in this blog.
Teacher should changeable and follow the development of technology. Now, in globalization era, if people can't adapt with their environment & surroundings, they will get cultural lag (behind the times). We should moving forward, so this country also be better than this.

Reflection about "Mathematics and Language 7"

This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article : Mathematics and Language 7

I agree with Mr, Marsigit opinion that models are important. The younger learner also important doing communication when they study, especially mathematics. I appreciate Mr. Marsigit because in his communication, he has a huge un-pattern zed input of data. It will helps the young learner and the techer to communicate well and build good relationship.

Reflection to "Tolak Perubahan Kurikulum Pendidikan"

This reflection ased on Mr. Marsigit article about Tolak Perubahan Kurikulum Pendidikan 

This article is very interesting. The topic is about our curriculum that important to our country, especially for next generation who continue to build this country. Based on this article, I also disagree if our curriculum changing from 2006 to 2013. It's because the reason that explain before on Mr. Marsigit article. Actually, the government should think twice (or more) when they arrange new policy or curriculum. They must think not only the advantages, but also the disdvantages. It's all for the existence of our country.

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Reflection 2: Problem Of Mathematics Teaching

Based on a research, the method of teaching, reflect on traditional method of teaching and learning of mathematics. All method that used in teaching and learning depend on the teacher. Teacher influence the student, so student can’t develop without the development of teacher.

Actually, if teacher use traditional method, it means the teacher didn’t believe about student ability. The teacher obligate to deliver the knowledge anywhere and anytime. So, the best way is the teacher facilitate the student with various methods, resources, and equipments, such as webblog and online task. It can develop the student to be active then students can contribute their ideas. The students should start to open their mind and their dimension.

Student development ilustrated like seed growth

The best teaching and learning also based on culture and religion. But it is should be adapted with situation and compared with various method. The problem is the difficulties to accomodate it with education.

The education problem start from the adult, not from the young. Stimulus-respon method is not eligible anymore. The position of student is unpredictable. From now on the student should changing. It is important to learn the nature of all aspect learning of mathematics, for example: the nature of school mathematics, the nature of student’s learning mathematics, the nature of learning resources, etc.

Mainly, there are two types of mathematics:
Axiomatic mathematics
Mathematics is a search of pattern and relationship.
Pure mathematics (University Level, Child doesn’t eligible to absorb formal mathematics)
-  Mathematics is a problem solving activity
-  Mathematics is an investigation activity
-  Mathematics is the means of communication

Ilustrated about Iceberg of Mathematics, according to Frudential: