Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Computer Software

In this post, I will describe about system software with English version language. It is based on E-Learning UNY file that composed by Kuswari, M.Kom.You can download my presentation file about this (with Indonesian version language), here

1.  A set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system; e.g., compilers, library routines, manuals, and circuit diagrams. 
2.  Information (generally copyrightable) that may provide instructions for computers; data for documentation; and voice, video, and music for entertainment or education.

SOFTWARE CLASSIFICATION according to NAPCS (North American Product Classification System) model . In this classification the software is divided to System Software and Application Software, with each having several sub levels 
  •  System software is the low-level software required to manage computer resources and support the production or execution of application programs but which is not specific to any particular application. 
  • Application software is software program that performs a specific function directly for the end user 


1.  Operating systems software 
The low-level software which handles the interface to peripheral hardware, 
schedules tasks, allocates storage, and presents a default interface to the user when no 
application program is running. 
Including : 
  Client and network operating systems 

2.  Network software 
Software that is used to control, monitor, manage and communicate with operating systems, networks, network services, databases, storage and networked applications in an integrated and cooperative fashion across a network from a central location. Including :
  Network management software 
  Server software 
  Security and encryption software 
  Middleware 
  Etc

Resep Bolu Pisang

Hello guys. Hayooo, ada yang doyan bolu gak nih? Hehehehe, pasti mau kalau udah tinggal makannya :P

Di post ini, aku mau share tentang resep bolu yang cukup simpel dan insyaallah udah diuji kualitasnya :)Buat temen-temen yang punya waktu luang boleh nih mencoba buat bolu ini.

Pertama, siapkan Bahan :
  • 6 sdm susu kental manis putih
  • 500 g pisang Ambon/Raja, kupas, haluskan
  • 10 kuning telur ayam
  • 8 putih telur ayam
  • 200 g gula pasir
  • 50 g mentega/margarin yang dilelehkan
  • 50 g keju Cheddar parut (sebagai topping, dapat diganti dengan kenari, chocochips, atau lainnya)
  • 200 g tepung terigu
  • 1/2 sdt emulsifier (seperti TBM, SP, baking powder, dll)