Senin, 25 Maret 2013


1. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: The Role of Cognitive Development

I agree with this article that any explanation of the child's development must take into consideration two dimensions: an ontogenetic dimension and a social dimension (in the sense of the transmission of the successive work of generations. The teacher is not only teacher at school, but also teacher at home (parents), as the educator should pay attention to the cognitive development of the students (or their child). In social dimension, the student has interactions with the environment and people around them. So they will copy what they hear and see. So, teacher and part of family  also should give good example to the students, so they will copy good things from the teacher.

2. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Artikel Populer Pendidikan Karakter

Nowadays, character education (character building) is important. School should build good characteristic to the student. The student not only have good brain and knowledge, but also good manner. One of the subject that can build characteristic is mathematics. By teaching mathematics, teacher can educate not only material, but also build good characteristics, such as carefulness, honesty, accountability, and others.
But, before mathematics learning, teachers should prepare the method and material which they will discuss with their students. The aspects that should notice, which have explained in this artile, are:
- Mathematics activity is an activity to search the pattern and problem solving
- Mathematics need creativity, imajination, intuition, and innovation
- Mathematics activity is communication and communication
- Algorithm is a procedure to solve mathematics problems
By notice that aspects, be expected that mathematics can build student characteristics.

3. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Why Do You Think Peoples Basic Math?

I think this discussion is complicated, and everybody give their ideas and difficult to take conclusion. I think mathematics is a basic subject and everybody can learn mathemtics by they doing daily activity. Learning like walking. The students can trying and practicing, so they will familiar with mathematics.
Now, the problem is the teachers, how they will create mathematics education become fun and easy for their student. The teachers can teach the students by facilitate them with everything around them, for example environment and technology devices. It will help student to learn mathematics effectively.

4. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Resources For Developing Math
Thank you for share the list of resources for developing mathematics. Later, as a teacher, I should search many resources for me for develop myself to teach my students. Amen.
Nowadays, in globalization era, teachers must develop theirself with the latest and newest informations and technologies. As teachers, we should like an empty glass, empty glass can intercept and retain water (water is knowledge). So, they can facilitate their students with good teachers ability. If the teachers are good, we can expect the sudents are good too.

5. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: More Link To Math Teaching
I have see your previous article. Thank you so much to provide us with this valuable information. You have list what resources that every teachers should search. I hope this will useful for everybody, especially for young teachers and candidate of teachers, like me. Amen.

6. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Problem Utama Inovasi Pembelajaran

I have read this short but valuable article from Mr. Marsigit. Thank you for share your experience from teach PLPG. The problem about "How to Apply Learning Paradigm Shift from teacher-centered to Student-Centered Learning" maybe is a problem that encountered by almost teacher. It's a serious problem because it will infect the students and give bad result. So, by doing PLPG, teachers can develop themself with various methods that can they use for the learning activity to their student. I hope PLPG will continue and develop too bacome better, and facilitate teachers to develop and solve problems how to teach and how to be a good teacher.

7. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan

I agree with this article that Lesson Study is give benefit for many people. Everybody can learn mathematis becouse of Lesson Study. Everybody means every people, no matter where they come from. what they have or they not have, like people with special needs or disabilities. The teacher who teach people with disabilities, should learn Lesson Study. So, they can develop themself, take the benefits and appicate it to their disabilities student. Every people have equal rights for learning ang have good facilities in their education activity.

8. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Pembelajaran Matematika Seperti Apa yang Kita Harapkan
Thank you for share your idea about the steps teach realistic mathematics. Teachers will teach their students by doing the listed steps: preparing, introducing, learning process, and closing. That step is good method to teach mathematics.

9. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: 

I also agree with Mr. Marsigit idea that there is no best method to teach mathematics, except if we become better and develop ourself to be better. By developing abilities, teacher can facilitate sudents with good facilites too.

10. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika

After I read this article, I realized that many problems that must be face by teachers and students in school. It's a big homework for teacher at school. I also think about the seventh problem that listed, What the essence of mathematics aducation in elementary school?
Many people have wrong preception about the meaning of mathematics. If we wrong in giving meaning, so it will impact with the method that will we use. If the method is wrong, the student also can't learn mathematics effectively, and it's become useless. So, better for teachers, develop their abilities more and more, search more knowledge and facilitate the student wisely.

11. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Identifikasi Masalah Psikologi Mengajar
From the problems that listed above, I can conclude that psychology have important rule in teaching and learning. Teachers and students have problems that have relation with psychology. Actually the main problem is How to create good education activity from relation teacher with the student?
Both teachers and students should solve this problems. The teacher must develop theirself to be better and learn new knowledges, then facilitate the students with their maximum strenght and abilities.
Then, the students, as the receivers of knowledge from teachers, make a preparation before they learn. They must have good will and not afraid to try and learn new thing, altough it's dificult.
If teachers and students have good cooperation, we can expect education activity become better. Amen

12. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Forum Tanya Jawab 64 : Burung di Pagi Hari, Jengkerik di Sore Hari

It is interesting to compare education with our environment. That analogy is unique. I agree with education paradigm that Education is transfer of knowledge, transfer of learning. To make it happen, skill and experience is important, but it's not enough. Need cooperation between teacher, student, system, and other movements.

 13. This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Forum Tanya Jawab 63: Bagaimana Siswa Bisa Menentukan Kurikulum?

The method that used in England is very inovative. It useful to improve skill, knowledge, and creativity of students. Based on statement that curriculum is each school problems, I realized that every school should develop their method and quality to facilitate the student to learn.
But, I think, this method is difficult to applied in Indonesia. There are many problems that obstruct the method. One of them is the differences of quality and facility each school in Indonesia. Many school that doesn't have good facility, not only the building & equipment, but also professional teacher. So, both government and all people of Indonesia must build good education, together, for our future.

I agree with the method that explained in this article. I think 6th grade student can absorb the material with the method. It compatible with ability of 6th grade student to learn the material. Group-discussion is the key of the method, among teacher and student should build a trust and good communication. With the method, the teacher can transfer the knowledge, experience, and value to the student. The student also can develop their ability, knowledge, skill, and creativity. I hope this method can use in every school in Indonesia.

15.  This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional : Sebuah Epistemology

Actually I agree with the benefits of SBI School (besides the negatives). But, it regrettably know that SBI was erased by government. I realize that the purpose of SBI to make Indonesian education become better, but in fact, the problems comes in the process of implementation. The best solution is the government should fix the SBI problem and develop the inovation for SBI school. Government not only erase SBI but also should to find the best solution to create good education in Indonesia.

 16.  This reflection based on Mr. Marsigit article: The anxiety of Mathematics Teachers and Their Problems

After I read this article, I realized that some teachers have own problems when they teach their student in the class. That problems will give bad effects for the learning process.
In fact, teacher must teach excellent, then the students must absorb the materials and understand everything. They are in pressure. Actually, learning is fun activity. Both teacher and students should build good relation and communication, so it will create good education.


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